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Give an intangible Christmas gift

The Baltic Sea is badly eutrophicated, but it can still be saved. By donating, you help save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. It’s not too late yet.

Christmas donation


Save a piece of the Baltic Sea

Tytöt kalliolla. Auta pelastamaan Itämeri kyltit.

Corporate Christmas donation

Give your stakeholders or staff an intangible Christmas gift and donate to save the Baltic Sea. As a corporate supporter, you get access to communication materials that you can use to tell your stakeholders about the donation.

We ask you to report your Christmas donation using the form below. By sending the form, you will receive an e-invoice for your donation and the Christmas donor’s communication materials. If necessary, you can also make a Christmas donation directly to our collection account. In this case, please contact us. Donations from the Christmas campaign are directed to the work of John Nurminen Foundation to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations.

Donation amount

Company Information

Contact information

The personal data collected through the form will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the John Nurminen Foundation’s customer and supporter register. Read more here.

Would you like to hear more? Contact us.
